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Do CO2 emissions affect your life expectancy?

Military activities generate countless but large amounts of greenhouse gases. Ocean temperatures reached an all-time high in April. Victoria to end logging of native forests. And do your personal CO2 emissions affect your life expectancy?

Military emissions of greenhouse gases

Under pressure from the US, the Kyoto Protocol, negotiated in 1997, excluded military activities from the mandatory reporting of annual greenhouse gas emissions. The consequence of this is that in 2023 we still only have a vague idea of emissions from military activities, both for individual countries and globally. The vast majority of countries do not even recognize their military emissions as a problem, let alone measure or report them. (Peter Sainsbury)

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Call for evidence and public consultation on industrial carbon management under European Green Deal launched

The Commission has published a call for evidence and a public consultation on industrial carbon management - carbon capture, use and storage. This 12-week consultation aims to gather input from stakeholders and citizens to inform the Commission's preparations for a new EU Carbon Capture, Use and Storage (CCUS) strategy. The Commission Communication on the EU's 2030 Industrial Carbon Management Market Strategy is due to be published by the end of 2023. It will cover industrial carbon management through the transport, use and storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) captured from fossil fuels. biogenic and atmospheric sources. The new strategy will serve emitters in hard-to-reduce industries that would have to use carbon capture and storage (CCS),

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Slovakia: How do CO 2 emissions from different fuels change?

The table above allows us to see the distribution of CO emissions 2 according to the type of fuel. But it makes it difficult to see the absolute change of individual fuel sources over time. This interactive graph shows the same data - CO emissions 2 from coal, oil, gas, cement and combustion - but as individual lines so you can clearly see how each changes over time.

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European Federation of Agencies and Regions for Energy and the Environment

FEDARENE (European Federation of Agencies and Regions for Energy and the Environment) is the joint voice of regions and regional energy agencies in the field of energy transformation. FEDARENE members drive energy transition and climate action in their territories through ambitious policy development and strategic support measures. FEDARENE was founded on June 6, 1990 by six regional authorities: Rhône-Alpes, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, Wallonie, País Vasco, Aquitaine and Nord-Pas-de-Calais. Motivated by various programs of the European Commission, local authorities tried to raise the voice of the regions in the debate on energy and environmental policies at the European level.

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How are hurricanes related to climate change?

Hurricanes have become a symbol of climate change and a call to action. Scientists are still debating how climate affects hurricanes, but they know a lot more about storms. As NASA says: “Earth's atmosphere and oceans have warmed significantly in recent decades. A warming ocean creates the perfect cauldron to cook storms” because “hurricanes are fueled by heat in the upper layers of the ocean”. Oceans warm earlier in the spring, allowing storms to form before the official season begins on June 1, as happened in May 2020, which saw a record hurricane season with Tropical Storms Arthur and Bertha. (Amy Green)

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How I talk to my kids about climate change

New Year's Eve performances, class parties, teacher gifts, camp plans, last-day-of-school photos: for parents across the country right now, the to-do lists are long and come with a mix of emotions. Courtesy Laura Schifter There's gratitude for another school year over, but sadness that your child is another year older and closer to that dreaded moment of moving out. There's also excitement for lazy summer days, listening to the jingle of the ice cream truck or playing in the park's splash zone. (CNN)

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Warnings about climate change began at the end of the 19th century. Here's what mankind knew and when.

Political misinformation continues to swirl the climate change debate like a thick fog rolling in from a rising ocean. However, a wealth of government documents and reports from researchers and historians make it clear what scientists and government officials knew and when.    Scientists already figured out in the late 19th century that the greenhouse effect keeps the planet warm and that carbon dioxide produced by burning coal can amplify this effect. In the 1970s, researchers measured these emissions in the atmosphere and warned that the Earth's temperature could warm by 0.5 to 5 degrees Celsius by the middle of the 21st century. (Dinah Voyles Pulver)

Carbon accounting: Uncovering the hidden carbon footprint of construction

Paul Kelly, managing director of C-Quest, KEO's cost-linked consultancy, explains the profound impact of introducing carbon accounting on project capital costs. As countries and companies make ambitious net zero commitments, the construction industry has an increasing role to play in making these pledges a reality. Today, we have a key role to play in reducing carbon emissions and fighting climate change. Achieving this goal will require a significant transformation in the way we design, build and operate buildings and infrastructure. (by Angitha Pradeep)

5 practical ways to minimize your carbon footprint and promote sustainable travel

Udržateľné cestovanie sa v dnešnom svete stáva čoraz dôležitejšou témou, keďže sa snažíme minimalizovať náš vplyv na životné prostredie. S rastúcim povedomím o klimatických zmenách a potrebe chrániť našu planétu stále viac cestovateľov hľadá spôsoby, ako znížiť svoju uhlíkovú stopu pri objavovaní sveta. Tu skúmame päť praktických spôsobov, ako sa zapojiť do udržateľného cestovania a minimalizovať svoju uhlíkovú stopu.(Nishad Thaivalappil)

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Slovakia: What share of global cumulative CO 2 did the country produce?

As with annual emissions, cumulative CO values can be difficult to put into context 2 . Was the country's contribution to the global total large or small? This chart shows a country's cumulative emissions as a share of global cumulative emissions.

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Slovakia: Per capita: how much CO 2 does the average person emit?

Annual emissions data are often used to compare countries' contribution to climate change. However, this metric often reflects differences in population size around the world. To understand the "footprint" of the average person in a given country, this chart shows emissions per capita. These figures reflect "production-based" emissions, so they are not adjusted for traded goods.

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Our carbon budget could be gone by 2027

The 1.5 degree target is considered a red line that must not be crossed in the fight against climate change. The IPCC's last interim report in March already predicted that we don't have much time left to avoid the worst consequences. Now the research team has analyzed the data again. Climate change has worsened since the last global climate report in 2021. This shows an updated version of the data from the IPCC report. Global warming has now reached 1.14 degrees above pre-industrial levels and is currently adding 0.2 degrees per decade. The energy imbalance of the planet and the radiation caused by human activity have also intensified. In contrast, the CO2 budget still available for the 1.5 degree target has been almost halved, according to climate scientists at the University of Leeds.
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Smoke from wildfires is also a carbon emissions problem

The worst U.S. wildfire-related smoke event since at least 2006 is beginning to recede, at least for major East Coast cities, even as dangerous summer fires continue in Canada. Why it matters: What happens in Canada doesn't stay in Canada, as the US smog crisis of the past few days has shown. But there are also global interests to worry about, as the US's northern neighbor is also breaching carbon emissions milestones. (Andrew Freedman)

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The EU is planning a strategy to increase investments in the capture of CO2 emissions

The European Commission is working on plans to accelerate investment in carbon capture and storage, it said on Friday, as the bloc prepares to reduce its net greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050. In a public consultation on the plans, the Commission said infrastructure to capture and store CO2 underground or to use it in industries was not being developed quickly enough, held back by factors including the high cost of building storage. In a bid to support the industry, the Commission said it would develop an EU strategy that could include 2040 and 2050 targets for CO2 storage infrastructure or EU-wide standards on CO2 quality and access to carbon capture infrastructure. (Kate Abnett)

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Reducing methane is key to averting climate catastrophe

Methane is 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide in warming the Earth over a 20-year time horizon. Even as atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide continue to rise, despite everything our governments say they are doing to limit it, so do methane levels. This dangerous gas is now at two and a half times pre-industrial levels. Although oil and gas production, agriculture and degrading waste are known to be major producers of methane, scientists say most countries are still estimating their output and do not have accurate measurements of how much they produce. Still, stopping known sources, such as old and new leaking oil wells, would cut projected emissions in half by 2030, reducing global warming by 0.5°C by 2100. (Paul Brown)

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IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Image results for: IPCC logo    Created in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the IPCC aims to provide governments at all levels with scientific information that they can use in climate policymaking. IPCC reports are also a key input into international climate change negotiations. The IPCC is an organization of governments that are members of the UN or WMO. The IPCC currently has 195 members. Thousands of people from all over the world participate in the work of the IPCC. For the assessment reports, experts volunteer their time as IPCC authors to review thousands of scientific papers published each year to provide a comprehensive summary of knowledge about the drivers of climate change, its impacts and future risks, and how these risks can be reduced through adaptation and mitigation. Open and transparent peer review by experts and governments around the world is an essential part of the IPCC process to ensure an objective and complete assessment and to take into account diversity of opinion and expertise. Through its assessments, the IPCC identifies the strength of scientific consensus in various areas and indicates where further research is needed. The IPCC does not conduct its own research.

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Prečo musí byť redukcia uhlíka ďalším krokom v udržateľnej digitálnej reklame

Odvetvie digitálnej reklamy prešlo dlhú cestu, pokiaľ ide o rozpoznanie vplyvu jeho uhlíkovej stopy na planétu. June Cheung zo Scope3 skúma redukciu uhlíka. Posledných osem mesiacov vediem rozhovory s agentúrami a značkami o udržateľnej digitálnej reklame a za ten krátky čas som si všimol postupnú zmenu v povedomí a ochote uskutočniť zmenu. To je poháňané komplementárnou dynamikou toho, že ide o správnu vec pre planétu a zároveň je to dobré pre podnikanie.  Investori, zamestnanci a spotrebitelia čoraz viac vyvíjajú tlak  ESG  na spoločnosti a zelené poverenia sa rýchlo stávajú nevyhnutnou súčasťou prezentačného stola.

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The World Bank decided to take on the risk of insuring carbon credits during market shocks

The World Bank's insurance arm is working on plans to protect carbon offset projects from political risks in developing countries as a growing number of governments seek to introduce new rules to the market. The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (Miga) expects to get an expanding role in providing insurance cover to carbon credit projects in a bid to facilitate large-scale investment in countries deemed high-risk. (Matteo Civillini)

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Where can the market for carbon credits go?

Carbon credits , also known as carbon offsets, are permits that represent one ton of carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere. They can be purchased by individuals or, more commonly, by companies that want to offset carbon emissions from industrial production, delivery, vehicles or travel. Carbon credits work as transparent, measurable and results-based ways to combat carbon emissions through activities such as protecting and restoring irreplaceable natural carbon sinks such as forests or marine ecosystems. (Hugh Phelan)

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