Research on strengthening climate resilience in cities, particularly through transformation-based strategies, is still at an early stage. The success of climate change adaptation measures in cities is influenced by a wide range of factors. The sources identify ten key factors:
1. Personnel resources: Sufficient competent personnel in the municipality is essential for the planning and implementation of adaptation measures. A lack of staffing capacity can lead to a vicious cycle of inactivity.
2. Financial resources: The availability of funds from various sources (local budgets, subsidies, EU funds, research projects) is essential for the implementation and maintenance of adaptation measures. Complicated administration of subsidy applications can be an obstacle, especially for smaller cities.
3. Awareness of the problem and urgency: A strong sense of the need to act, which can be stimulated by the activity of civil society or the experience of extreme weather, is an important factor for the inclusion of adaptation measures on the agenda of the municipality.
4. Political will and support: Support from the political leadership is crucial for the promotion and implementation of adaptation strategies and measures.
5. Knowledge and data sources: Lack of data, its unavailability or incorrect processing, as well as uncertainty in knowledge represent a significant obstacle in adaptation.
6. Synergy vs. conflicts: Adaptation is easier to implement if synergies can be achieved with other areas, such as climate change mitigation or health protection. On the contrary, competition or conflicts with other areas of the city's development can be an obstacle.
7. Structure of self-government: Good communication and cooperation between the various departments of the municipality are important for the effective solution of adaptation issues. A clear division of responsibilities and specialized staff for adaptation are also essential.
8. Participation and acceptance: Acceptance by the public and civil society, as well as a high level of public participation and awareness, support adaptation. Conversely, lack of acceptance can be the cause of insufficient activity.
9. Legislative framework: The existence of a clear legislative framework at the national and regional level, which defines responsibilities and provides tools for adaptation, is important for the success of adaptation measures.
10. Character of the city: The size of the city, its type (historical city, industrial city, university city), financial and structural strength, as well as the organizational structure of the municipality, influence its adaptation capacity.
The sources emphasize that these factors are interconnected and their influence is manifested in different stages of adaptation.
In addition to identifying key factors, the resources emphasize the concept of adaptation points, which represent strategic points in the system where targeted changes can lead to large-scale impacts. Five adaptation points for adaptation to climate change in cities:
1. Values and goals: The sharing of common values and goals in the field of adaptation by the public, local government and other actors is the basis for a successful transformation.
2. Management (governance): Effective governance structures that support coordination, cooperation and participation of various stakeholders are essential for the implementation of adaptation measures.
3. Provision and exchange of knowledge: The availability of relevant and comprehensible information about climate change and its impacts, as well as tools and strategies for adaptation, is crucial for informed decision-making.
4. Resources and capacities: Sufficient personnel, financial and technical resources are essential for the implementation and maintenance of adaptation measures.
5. Measures: The selection and implementation of specific adaptation measures that are adapted to local conditions and needs is the essence of the adaptation process.
Sources state that successful adaptation requires targeted interventions at several, ideally at all adaptation points. A combination of measures at different levels of the system with an emphasis on long-term and systemic changes has a greater chance of success. Co2AI