Detailed development of the topic "Diversity of nature" for the 2nd year of elementary school

This topic draws inspiration from the document "Greening curriculum guidance Teaching and learning for climate action" and provides a framework for incorporating the principles of green education and climate awareness into the teaching of pupils in the 1st to 5th grade of primary schools.

This thematic unit serves to discover the diversity of nature and its importance for life on Earth. Pupils will get to know different types of ecosystems, we will show them food chains in a simplified way and emphasize the importance of protecting endangered species.

Getting to know different types of ecosystems (forest, meadow, water environment)

  • Forest:
    • Discussion: What do you imagine when you hear the word "forest"? What plants and animals live there? What does the forest look like in different seasons?
    • Visual aids: Pictures of the forest, trees (coniferous, deciduous), forest animals (deer, squirrel, owl), natural objects from the forest (cones, leaves, branches).
    • Games and activities: Creating a model of the forest in the classroom, playing the roles of forest animals, creating sounds typical of the forest.
  • Meadow:
    • Discussion: What grows in the meadow? What colors can we see there? What animals live there?
    • Visual aids: Pictures of a meadow, flowers (dandelion, bluebell, clover), insects (butterfly, grasshopper, bee).
    • Games and activities: Drawing a meadow and its inhabitants, looking for differences between the pictures of a forest and a meadow, making kiliniki from a meadow flower.
  • Water environment (pond, stream):
    • Discussion: What lives in water? How do fish breathe?
    • Visual aids: Pictures of a pond, stream, aquatic plants and animals (water lily, frog, duck).
    • Games and activities: Creating a model of the aquatic environment in a container, observing aquatic animals (if possible), drawing the aquatic world.

Food chains in nature - simple examples

  • Explanation of the term: Animals need each other. Some animals feed on plants and other animals feed on these animals. This is how the food chain is created.
  • Simple examples:
    • Carrot - hare - fox (The hare feeds on carrots, the fox feeds on hares).
    • Leaf - caterpillar - bird (A caterpillar feeds on leaves, a bird feeds on caterpillars).
  • Games and activities: Creating food chains using pictures of animals, dramatizing food chains in the classroom.

Endangered species of plants and animals and their protection

  • Discussion: What does it mean when a plant or animal is endangered? Why is it important to protect endangered species?
  • Examples of endangered species: Use pictures and brief information about several endangered species of plants and animals typical of your area (e.g. spring snowdrop, High Tatras chamois).
  • How we can help:
    • We do not catch or disturb animals in nature.
    • We do not venture outside the marked trails in protected areas.
    • We protect nature from pollution.
  • Games and activities: Drawing pictures of endangered species, creating informational posters about nature conservation.

Creative activities:

  • Drawing pictures of animals and plants:
    • Children can draw and paint the animals and plants they have learned about under the theme "Diversity of Nature".
  • Dramatization of fairy tales with an environmental theme:
    • Choose stories that feature animals and plants and that have an environmental message (e.g., "The Rabbit and the Hedgehog," "How the Trees Made Friends").


The resources you have provided are aimed at older students and do not include direct information on topics such as ecosystem breakdown for first graders, simplified food chains, or specific endangered species appropriate for their age group. The given information is therefore adapted to the needs of first-year elementary school students and draws on general knowledge about the given topic.

For a deeper connection with environmental education, it is advisable to include walks in different types of ecosystems around the school and home, to observe plants and animals in their natural environment and to lead children to think about their meaning and protection.

This theme was prepared by our AI. (CO2AI)

CO2AI can sometimes give inaccurate answers, so we recommend that you check all the facts yourself.


Carbon (climate) literacy education syllabus for 1st to 5th grade elementary school students