Detailed elaboration of the topic "Plants and animals in our surroundings" for the 1st year of elementary school

This topic draws inspiration from the document "Greening curriculum guidance Teaching and learning for climate action" and provides a framework for incorporating the principles of green education and climate awareness into the teaching of pupils in the 1st to 5th grade of primary schools.

This part of the syllabus focuses on building a positive relationship with nature a developing responsibility for its protection. The goal is for students to get to know the common types of plants and animals in their surroundings, understand their basic needs and learn to care for them.

Observation and naming of common types of plants and animals around school and home

  • Nature walks:
    • School surroundings: Observing and naming trees (e.g. linden, maple, birch), flowers (e.g. dandelion, daisy, daisy), insects (e.g. ladybug, ant, butterfly), birds (e.g. sparrow, pigeon, tit).
    • Park, garden, forest: Extension of the observation to other species of plants and animals typical for the given location.
  • Use of pictures and books:
    • Practice naming plants and animals using picture books, encyclopedias and worksheets.
  • Games:
    • Pexas with pictures of plants and animals, riddles, quizzes.

Basic needs of plants and animals for life (water, light, heat, food)

  • Discussion:
    • What do plants and animals need to live?
  • Practical activities:
    • Plants: Observing what happens to the plant when we don't water it or when we put it in a dark place.
    • Animals: Observing what pets eat, what we feed them in winter, where they seek shelter from bad weather.

Caring for plants (e.g. growing a flower in the classroom)

  • Practical activity:
    • Joint planting of a flower (e.g. bean seeds) in a flower pot and its subsequent observation and care (watering, placing in a bright place).
  • Discussion:
    • What did we observe about the growth of our plant? What did she need to live?

Animal protection (e.g. production of bird feeders)

  • Practical activity:
    • Production of a simple bird feeder from materials such as PET bottle, skewer, grain.
  • Discussion:
    • How can we help animals in winter? Why is it important to protect birds?

Note: These activities are only suggestions and can be changed and supplemented according to the current season, the interest of the students and the possibilities of the school. It is important connect learning with real experiences, encourage children's curiosity a to build in them respect for all living creatures.

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Carbon (climate) literacy education syllabus for 1st to 5th grade elementary school students