Priorities of financing adaptation measures in the residential environment. The document "Action Plan for the Implementation of the Slovakia's Climate Change Adaptation Strategy" places great emphasis on the adaptation of settlements to climate change and identifies several important funding priorities in this area:
1. Legislative and strategic preparation:
- Funding of audits and analyzes of existing legislation with the aim of identifying obstacles to the implementation of adaptation measures in settlements and proposing the necessary changes.
- Support for incorporating the issue of climate change into spatial plans and other strategic documents of cities and municipalities.
- Creation and updating of methodologies for assessing the vulnerability of settlements to climate change and for the creation of adaptation strategies.
2. Capacity building and professional support:
- Creation of a professional support system for cities and municipalities in the adaptation process, including provision of information, consultations and capacity building.
- Education and training for public administration workers at all levels on the issue of adaptation to climate change.
3. Specific adaptation measures:
- Flood risk mitigation: Investments in flood protection, building elements of green and blue infrastructure in cities with the aim of retaining water in the country.
- Fight against urban overheating: Support for the construction of green infrastructure, adaptation of buildings and public spaces in order to reduce the effect of urban heat islands.
- Ensuring the availability of water resources: Investments in the protection and effective management of water resources, support for water retention measures in settlements.
- Increasing infrastructure resilience: Adaptation of existing and planning of new infrastructure (transport, energy, water management) with regard to climate change.
4. Social inclusion and support of vulnerable groups:
- Identification and support of measures to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change on socially vulnerable groups of the population.
Funding sources:
The document emphasizes the importance multi-source financing adaptation measures in settlements, using a combination of:
- State budget:
- Local government budgets:
- European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF):
- Common Agricultural Policy (CAP):
- Additional resources (e.g. Environmental Fund, LIFE program, EEA and Norway grants):
It is important to ensure that adaptation to climate change becomes a priority in the allocation of funds from all relevant sources. Resources should be allocated based on clear criteria, with an emphasis on efficiency and sustainability of investments.
The document emphasizes that financing adaptation in the residential environment is a long-term investment that will not only reduce the risks and damages caused by climate change, but also improve the quality of life in cities and towns. (Co2AI)