GOAL 13: Climate action

The Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) include Goal 13: Climate Action. Climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as heat waves, droughts, floods and tropical cyclones, exacerbating water management problems, reducing agricultural production and food security, increasing health risks, damaging critical infrastructure and disrupting the provision of essential services. water and hygiene, education, energy and transport.

Data and statistics / Facts and figures:

  • From 1880 to 2012, the average global temperature increased by 0.85 °C
  • The oceans have warmed, the amount of snow and ice has decreased, and sea levels have risen. From 1901 to 2010, the global average sea level rose by 19 cm as the oceans expanded. The extent of sea ice in the Arctic has been shrinking every decade since 1979
  • Global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) have increased by almost 50 percent since 1990
  • Emissions grew faster between 2000 and 2010 than in each of the three previous decades

Objectives related to the environment:

  • Objective 13.1: Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate risks and natural disasters in all countries
  • Objective 13.2: Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning
  • Objective 13.3: Improve education, awareness raising and human and institutional capacity in climate change mitigation, adaptation, mitigation and early warning
  • Objective 13.a: Implement the commitment made by developed countries to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, to the goal of collectively mobilizing USD 100 billion per year by 2020 from all sources to address the needs of developing countries in the context of meaningful mitigation and transparency of implementation, and to fully operationalize the Green climate fund through its capitalization
  • Objective 13.b: Support capacity-building mechanisms for effective climate change planning and management in least developed countries and small island developing States, including targeting women, youth and local and marginalized communities
