Green Claims: New EU guidelines against greenwashing

In recent years, ever-increasing consumer awareness of climate and environmental protection has led to the growing importance and spread of sustainability statements in advertising, the so-called green claims. Sometimes catchphrases such as "100 % CO2-neutral", vague expressions such as "climate friendly" or various seals of quality are used. This often makes it difficult for consumers to verify the veracity of such advertising claims. Exaggerated, inaccurate or euphemistic sustainability claims (“greenwashing”) are not only considered socially frowned upon, but sometimes also cross the boundaries of what is legally permissible. In Austria, this limit has so far been the Fair Trade Act with a general prohibition of deceptive business practices in accordance with § 2 of the Federal Act against Unfair Competition (UWG). There are currently no specific rules for environmental claims in Austria. (Mag. David Konrath, Mag. Christian Zimmer, more at