The EU is investigating "greenwashing" in 20 airlines

EU regulators have launched investigations into 20 airlines over their use of potentially "misleading greenwashing practices", reports the Financial Times. The European Commission has written to airlines and national consumer protection authorities "identifying several types of potentially misleading environmental claims," it continues. Although the airlines involved have not been named, the national regulatory authorities involved are Belgian, Dutch, Norwegian and Spanish, the FT adds. A key concern for regulators is that airlines have argued that carbon emissions from flying can be offset either by investing in environmental projects or by using more sustainable aviation fuels, which still emit carbon when burned but are less polluting than the kerosene currently used. , he explains. (For more, see Carbon Brief's carbon offset explainer .) In addition, the bloc called on companies to bring their practices into line with EU consumer law within 30 days, Al Jazeera reports . The article quotes European Commissioner for Values and Transparency Vera Jourova as saying that "if we want responsible consumers, we need to provide them with accurate information", adding that consumers "deserve accurate and scientific answers, not vague or false claims". (Philip Georgiadis and Kenza Bryan, Financial Times, ft. com)