The Greenwashing Directive has entered into force: the transposition period for Member States begins

On 30 March 2023, a draft directive was published amending the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive and the Consumer Rights Directive with the aim of empowering consumers in the green transition through better protection against unfair commercial practices and better information (the "Eco-laundering Directive" ). Directive [1] formally signed on 28 February 2024 by the Presidents of the European Parliament and of the Council and published in the Official Journal of the European Parliament on 6 March 2024. The aim of the directive is to provide consumers with additional information on the environmental impact of specific products and to protect them from misleading commercial practices regarding the sustainability aspects of said products. The countdown has now begun: from the entry into force of the directive on 26 March 2024, EU member states must transpose the measures contained in the directive into their national legislation within 24 months (ie by 27 March 2026) and apply the provisions as from 27 September 2026. (Francesca Biebuyck, more at