New opportunities for climate change adaptation projects are available for the EU mission with €124 million

On 17 April 2024, the Commission adopted an amendment to the Horizon Europe Work Program 2023-2024 to mobilize previously unallocated Horizon Europe funds to increase the 2024 budget by almost €1.4 billion to €7.3 billion.

This amendment includes an investment of almost EUR 650 million in EU missions to enable the implementation of the communication "EU Missions two years on: Assessing progress and the way forward", which was adopted on 19 July 2023. For the EU Mission for Adaptation Change, freed up 124 million euros.

As part of the Mission on Adapting to Climate Change, they are now on  funding and tender portals published new opportunities to support ideas on adaptation to climate change under the Horizon Europe 2023-2024 work programme. (More on