What can we all do to help tackle climate change?

Tackling climate change can often seem like a big topic and it can be difficult to figure out what we can do to make a real difference.

In the latest explainer video series, Melissa Stokes looks at some simple ways to reduce emissions, such as eating less meat and using public transport. According to Genless, if people take meat out of one meal a week, it will reduce a typical family's emissions by about 7 %. The production of meat, especially red meat, involves a number of steps.

Genless says some simple ways to eat less meat are:

  • Swap half the meat for beans, vegetables or lentils in stir-fries, curries, stews or pies
  • Try alternatives like tofu, quorn or milk substitutes
  • Choose vegetarian food when you eat out
  • Search recipe websites for delicious ideas

When it comes to shopping, another way individuals and households can reduce emissions is by choosing clothes that last. Opting for quality over quantity is more environmentally friendly and often cheaper. (From 1News Reporters, more at 1news)