WHAT IS CLIMAAX? CLIMate risk and Vulnerability Assessment Framework (CLIMAAX) is a 4-year Horizon Europe project that will providefinancial and practical support to improve regional climate and emergency risk management plans. The consortium consists of a combination of climate risk assessment and emergency response experts, regional authorities responsible for risk management, regional and national civil protection agencies and small and medium-sized enterprises. European country disaster risk management and adaptation to climate change it is far from uniform. The EU Adaptation Strategy highlighted the urgent need for more ambitious efforts in climate change adaptation, resilience, resilience building, prevention and preparedness. The EU's Climate Change Adaptation Mission has set out an ambitious framework for local and regional transformational adaptation that aims to prepare Europe to tackle climate change, accelerate the transition towards a climate-resilient future and build deep resilience by scaling up actionable solutions.
As part of the mission adaptation, CLIMAAX aims to develop an adapted framework and toolkit for climate risk assessment at the local and regional level.