There is a huge difference between climate change and the impact that our diet and food system has on it, in terms of public and private investments a media coverage . Here are eight statistical charts that highlight the extent to which our eating habits and agricultural systems are linked to the climate crisis. The food we eat, how it's grown, where it comes from, the resources needed all play a major role in how we as humans contribute to climate change. There are many myths and misconceptions about the impact of our eating habits - many of which perpetuate meat and dairy lobby groups . The impact of livestock production is huge and daunting. Reports indicate that we can avoid 100 gigatons emissions if three-quarters of people adopt a plant-rich diet by 2050, and that veganism can reduce emissions by 75 % compared to a diet rich in meat and dairy products. But for those who like to see pure numbers and statistics, we've put together eight charts based on facts from the magazine Our world in data — credited to Associate Editor and Chief Scientist Hannah Ritchie (someone you should follow if you haven't already) — explaining the real impact of food on the climate crisis. (Anay Mridul)