For 1,500,000 euros, professional nature and landscape protection organizations will be able to reimburse themselves for personal costs, operating costs and investment costs, costs of goods and services, directly related to the provision of measures for the protection and care of the protected area, which they incur during their six-monthly activity – in the period 1.6.2023 – 31.12.2023. It is very interesting information, which can also be a hope for many managers of private forests located in protected areas. And the fact that there are really many of them is evidenced by the extent of protected areas in Slovakia, where out of two million hectares of forest land, we have 1.3 million included in some kind of protected area, where stores/captures carbon. We will in turn provide the information provided by the national parks administrations to all private forest managers and the public, so that they can learn from the example of the good practice of the professional nature and landscape protection organization how to get money for their activities from public sources in connection with the capture and storage of carbon produced by the public in their own, private land - but for now for free, despite the fact that the "polluter pays" rule applies in the EU.