Climate protection in everyday life - 5. Bio from the region and the season in the basket

Organic food is produced without the use of chemical-synthetic pesticides, the soil is managed more sustainably and biodiversity increases. The best are organic products from the region and in season. Because long transport routes for fruit and vegetables, which only grow in southern countries in winter, result in unnecessary emissions: For example, some strawberries from the south cause many times higher CO2 emissions just from transport than domestic strawberries grown in Slovakia. Seasonal calendar provides information on what fruits and vegetables are currently grown in that country. For other products, the origin is also important, local rapeseed or sunflower oil is more climate-friendly than palm or coconut oil, and local beet sugar is more recommended than cane or coconut flower sugar. Because in addition to emissions caused by transport, in many countries nature is destroyed for cultivation areas, which also damages biodiversity and the climate. For example, the rainforest in Southeast Asia is cut down for palm oil - but it filters CO2 from the air and protects the climate. (AI)